Saturday, November 13, 2010

Couldn't Care Less

"Tanka" is a Japanese poetry form, very much like haiku, except it's a little longer with a per-line syllable scheme of 5-7-5-7-7. The following poem probably bends that rule just a little.

But first, here is my inspiration.

"George Bush doesn't care about black people" averred Kanye West on live TV during a Hurricane Katrina fundraiser.

"I faced a lot of criticism as President. I didn't like hearing people claim that I lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or cut taxes to benefit the rich. But the suggestion that I was racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all time low," Bush recently told TV interviewer Matt Lauer.

"I would tell George Bush, in my moment of frustration, I didn't have the grounds to call him a racist," he said. "But I believe that, in a situation of high emotion like that, we as human beings don't always choose the right words." West responded.

Bush said he "appreciates" the rapper's apology and forgives him. He does, however, reiterate that West's comments troubled him, especially because "nobody wants to be called a racist if, in your heart, you believe in equality of race."

I don't care about,
what those I don't care about
say they care about
those, that they don't care about.
Really, I just do not care.

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